Saurav and his Literature

This is nothing other than what my heart had suggested me to do in some of the Dark and Lonely nights.

Glow and Low...

Is there sumthin which is about to glow,
Emotions are high, juss let your Love flow,
Oders say a thousand words, its yo'r Love dat u know,
Never bow down eva in Love or eva feel Low.

There are stars in the sky which keep blinkin,
You in someone's Love will always be winkin,
Neva if you find me, dun let your emotions go sown sinkin.
Mercy ll be bestowed and you ll be Happy and twinklin.

Love is always surrounded in dat sweet surrender,
Blessed you ll be, nothin one can Hinder,
Emotions are insane and always so tender,
And your Love ll always be the Heaven's messenger.

Why does everything seem so white?
Is it the end of the de light,
De Love's goin slowly outta my sight.
Breakin one's heart, has given you so much delight.

One thing in world, you always remember,
Dis world is round, all de noise and de sound,
All dose deeds, which comes back as a weed,
And you'r Love you ll need,
He ll always be there and Will show you the care,
And even if Death is so near, I can't stop Lovin you.
I ll neva let you know, i m lyin on de grave.
But i am still called a brave.
Coz i know you ll neva Love me,
But I always will.

Why are you looking at me like a stranger?
Standing in front of you, feels as if I am a pretender.
Never could express, how much I loved you.
Didn’t want to kill myself, but I had to.
My eyes spoke it loud, my heart screamed it out.
Deaf you were, coz your name was the one I used to shout.
Destroyed and devastated I sit in one corner of the room.
Raining it’s in and out, can’t you make me your groom.
Your eyes haunt me through out the day.
Those were the only reason, as nothing I could say.
Scorching my ear is some noise.
Please talk to me; I am dying to hear your voice.

Scribbling my thoughts is your red colored hair.
Always realized that made you look fair.
Floating down the shoulders they looked like a snake.
Wondering am I dreaming or still awake.
These are the memories which leave me dead and haunted,
You are the soul that I always wanted.
Indescribable and unsustainable are these feelings.
A torrid future coming up is what I am seeing.

One Saturday evening, down the window I was seeing,
Up came her call, down the bed was I about to fall.
My heart started ringing like a bell;
Picked up the phone and amused of what to tell.
Down came her offer, and she didn’t have a chauffer,
She wants to go out with me,
Clogging my mind were thoughts of it being a mystery or reality;

Ecstatic I started jumping and screaming,
Happiness in my life suddenly, I was dreaming,
A romantic melody, I started singing.
Down I came to earth, as the phone again started ringing.
The rain started pouring very hard,
“Doubt whether we can go out”, she said, which made me sad,
Savaging my dreams was the rain.
Tears started rolling out, as I couldn’t take the pain.

Suddenly thy rained mercy,
Desperate to go out, I prayed he could see.
Picked up my phone and gave her a call,
Now can we go out my Miss Tall?
Down I saw my cutest friend’s missed call,
Rushed up, I gave her a call.
Got the news, both were so elated,
Stepping on my door was happiness, even so it was belated.
Tensed and lying I got out of my house,
Desperate to go out with her, and wanted to make her my spouse.
Waiting for her at the bus stand,
So elated I was, didn’t see the fate coming in my hand.
There I saw her coming,
Cool and relaxed I was trying and pretending.
Down she came from her ride,
I kept looking at her eyes, standing on the road side.

She came towards me, crossing the road,
Croaking was my heart, lyk a frog on toad.
We were sitting opposite to each other,
Gazing at her eyes, which looked crystal as a mirror. 
We started having a chat,
Reminded me of a day where she was wearing a pink cool hat.
Praising thee, so beautiful she was looking.
A blessed man I am was the only thing that I was thinking.
Time went on, around came our destination,
Just sit and watch her eyes, was my only inclination.
Came down from the cab and paid the fare,
The cabbie said I know you love her and take care.
Inside the shop we went,
Buying a watch was her intent.
She liked a cool and sexy clock,
Paid for it, out from the shop we were about to walk.

About to go for the dinner, I put hands inside my pocket,
Scared and embarrassed I didn’t find my wallet.
Didn’t know what should I tell,
Swinging my head and I was about to fell.
Told her about this unfortunate incident,
She advised me that I should have been prudent.
This was the only thing that had to happen,
All my planned dreams were shaken.
Nothing to help me and I was completely broken,
I couldn’t give her the gift which had been stolen.

Distorted and dejected, wanted to drop her back home.
I knew that my fortunes were walking on soapy foam.
Took a cab and dropped her at the bus stand,
Drenched and lonely in the rain I had to stand.
As she got on to her ride, the distance seemed wide
Got a last glance her eyes and I knew the upcoming demise.
On her ride she went away, putting me all to sway.
In that heavy rain I was crying,
Nothing I could achieve even if so hard I was trying.

Looking down the river,
Where I find my reflection better than a mirror.
I see the love for you in my eyes,
But this love is spelling my demise.

Dark nights I spent crying for you,
Wanting you to come and take me through.
I am waiting for you to come,
And hold me tight in your arms.

I cannot hold back my tears,
Losing you is my biggest fear.
Didn’t you ever realize the pain?
And went away thinking I was insane.

The leaves have all shed,
Grasses burnt grey,
Someone come and end my misery,
And take me far away.

You are the one I have always loved,
You are the one for whom I pray,
I will look to sacrifice myself,
Abet you finding your Road,
Even if I am called an Inane.

Through out you have always proved me wrong,
Wondering if this will be the norm,
I dun find ways to embrace,
Crowning you the princess and treating with grace.
Every time I thought you betrayed,
Me and my Love that you always swayed,
The roads get darker as I walk down the lane,
You broke my heart with such disdain.

You came in my life as a saint,
So beautiful you were, was I about to faint.
My Love for you no body can dent,
I will get you some day if you are meant.
With you around my heart always sings,
Without you I am a bird with out wings.
With you by me, I can achieve anything,
With out you there seems nothing.
With you I live the world of fantasy,
And it feels as if I am happy.
With out you there lack something,
And with out you my world is nothing.

It was always you, who came back,
De capsulate those memories and put me against the stack,
I never knew what I had lacked,
Melting away are my emotions like a wax.
It was you up surging those emotions,
You and your Love became my one and only devotion.
I hate everyone being so vicarious,
Rousing questions in my mind;
Is my state so precarious?

Your whispers are gentle echoes
that sway ardent winds of harmony
and in the symphony of life
each word of your's is wrapped in rhapsody.
We travel separate roads of life
and gather many flowers along the way 
but there is nothn' like you whose fragnance can make somebody'z day........
We exist between two winds,
I here under a pale moon
you, the other end of somewhere.
Sometimes when wind blows through trees
I pause to listen and in its passing
I hear the tenderness of your voice
that fills the spectrum of my soul.
You are the chime of warm rain,
the moon that glows through the trees
and within the luster of evening
your aura fills the scene.
I hear the whispers of the wind
see the stars shine in the sky,but all those beautiful stars look fake when i look at you.... 


Looking at your beauty I was astounded,
Felt on a barren land, being left stranded.
Your eyes have been the ones which have wounded my heart.
The first time I met you at the shopping mart.

Your thoughts bring about a smile during the day,
When I don’t find a path you show me the way.
You have stolen my heart,
But sadly this relation is moving at the pace of a bullock cart.

Distorting my mind has been your angelic face,
Learned you don’t even know tying your shoe lace.
Wanted to gift you a bouquet full of flowers,
You and Me standing at the top of The Eiffel Tower.

Rewinding some of your memories is an old romantic song,
Hearing the song, my nights are becoming long.
They all keep telling me, you live in the world of fascination,
But your love, for me has been my biggest ever inspiration.

I dun know why, 
Just want to shed my tears and cry.
Always wanted to be there by you,
But those dreams never turned true.

Clattering my ear is your voice,
Can’t you hear the noise?
On no day I had this doubt,
That I loved you which always screamed it out.

I wonder why you did this to me,
Broke all my dreams and kill me,
I can’t withstand this pain anymore,
With you leaving me alone offshore.

You can scratch my heart and soul,
This has nothing other than a silent lull.
I did everything for you,
And you proved me everybody else was true.

Always wanted to see you smile,
Dreamt of being there with you for a while.
Knowing these dreams would never come true,
But I promise I will always love you.

This is what the Destiny has bestowed,
For me, this is what it called;
I kept weeping on my misery,
But you kept going away far and far.

I pray your happiness,
Wanting thee to bless you with smiles,
I feel you always there with me,
Wanting to feel you, but there is nothing I can’t see.

I want you there in my arms,
Wanting you not to relinquish your unfulfilled dreams,
Coz I will be there for you,
Making all your dreams come true.

Life’s become a living grave,
Emotions turned all grief.
Find all colors dull and gray,
Unite us or kill me thee, is what I pray.

I regret my vapid destiny,
And there is nothing I can do,
Isn’t anybody there who can help me out of this?
I will wait for you.

Often during the nights I sit and wonder,
Was it my world that you had to slander?
I thought of being with you, making my life blissful.
Raining down on me was misery, turning out to be pitiful.

Tears in my eyelids, sadness all round has smothered,
Heartless as you are, why will you be bothered?
I spend dark nights smoking on the terrace.
Loving you has turned out to be my dreaded menace.

Waking up every morning, I feel a wet pillow,
Wanting to gear up and destroy everything with a heavy willow.
Days going by, still awaiting your call,
Desolated my soul is, not even daring to crawl.

Your eyes were the ones to whom I would always surrender,
Didn’t you ever understand that my emotions were so tender?
Wanted to hold you in my arms and pamper,
Was it my Love that you had to tamper?

You are the god’s most artistic sculpture,
Love you and would always want to nurture,
You are the most amazing in this nature,
Your beauty cannot be described by any literature.
You are the soothing trickle of rain,
The early glowing Sunflower,
You resemble the purity of Dove,
And someone’s serenity you can perturb.
You are the ebullient temple’s flame,
Victory ensembles your name,

Your whispers sway the nature’s noise in Harmony,
Your presence in this world is very illusory,
You seem as you are the indomitable,
And you are the most infallible.
Your aura darkens the illuminating sunlight,
Pure and serene you are, like the color of white.
Mysterious are those eyes, resembling to a dark night.
You are the juvenile, you are the inevitable,
You are the one I venerate,
And my Love for you is the biggest veracity.

Life now a day seems like a deep dark tunnel,
More closely you see, resembles the shape of a funnel.
Engraved in my hands is your name,
More than love it feels like a silly fame.

Looking down the window, echoing is the sound of heavy rain,
Your memories are hitting me hard, making me feel insane.
Screaming my heart, wants to express I love you,
Countering my thoughts are questions,
Is this the thing that you had to do?

On no nights do you let me sleep,
Denied and broken, long nights I weep.
Spend days and nights seeing your image,
The reward I got was you threw me like sewage.

My fault was living in the world full of fantasy,
Broke all my dreams and made it look so clumsy.
I want to know who gave you this right.
Shading all colors of my life to black and white.

On no day I am giving up my Love,
Nothing can change my emotions and get me perturbed.
Hoping some day I will be beside you,
Embrace you in my arms and show how much I love you.

Saurav Sengupta

" Optimism is relative to Oppurtunity , coz LIFE always gives you a second chance. "
