Looking at your beauty I was astounded,
Felt on a barren land, being left stranded.
Your eyes have been the ones which have wounded my heart.
The first time I met you at the shopping mart.

Your thoughts bring about a smile during the day,
When I don’t find a path you show me the way.
You have stolen my heart,
But sadly this relation is moving at the pace of a bullock cart.

Distorting my mind has been your angelic face,
Learned you don’t even know tying your shoe lace.
Wanted to gift you a bouquet full of flowers,
You and Me standing at the top of The Eiffel Tower.

Rewinding some of your memories is an old romantic song,
Hearing the song, my nights are becoming long.
They all keep telling me, you live in the world of fascination,
But your love, for me has been my biggest ever inspiration.