Is there sumthin which is about to glow,
Emotions are high, juss let your Love flow,
Oders say a thousand words, its yo'r Love dat u know,
Never bow down eva in Love or eva feel Low.

There are stars in the sky which keep blinkin,
You in someone's Love will always be winkin,
Neva if you find me, dun let your emotions go sown sinkin.
Mercy ll be bestowed and you ll be Happy and twinklin.

Love is always surrounded in dat sweet surrender,
Blessed you ll be, nothin one can Hinder,
Emotions are insane and always so tender,
And your Love ll always be the Heaven's messenger.

Why does everything seem so white?
Is it the end of the de light,
De Love's goin slowly outta my sight.
Breakin one's heart, has given you so much delight.

One thing in world, you always remember,
Dis world is round, all de noise and de sound,
All dose deeds, which comes back as a weed,
And you'r Love you ll need,
He ll always be there and Will show you the care,
And even if Death is so near, I can't stop Lovin you.
I ll neva let you know, i m lyin on de grave.
But i am still called a brave.
Coz i know you ll neva Love me,
But I always will.